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Business Start-up

Business Start-up

Starting your own business can be daunting and overwhelming. IGSS Services can help you set up your business on a solid foundation with the major components in place and well-organized from day one. Our business startup services include:

  1. Business plan. Formulating a business plan helps you get and be clear about what you want to accomplish with your business.
  2. Capital. Do you need start-up capital? How much? Banks will want to see your financial records, and those of your other investors. We specialize in assembling the required data for your presentation to a financial institution.
  3. Legal Business Structure. It is not easy to determine what type of legal business entity to set up, and it has an impact on your finances, protection and on your credibility. Liscombe & Parrella can help you make an educated decision.
  4. Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). Should you decide to incorporate your business, you will need an EIN. Our business startup services include obtaining this number for you.
  5. Bank account and/or Merchant Account. You must set up a business bank account, separate and unique from your personal accounts. It is important to immediately create your company-internal system for keeping records and tracking all transaction into/out of your new business bank account(s). We can ask the right questions of your chosen bank to get the needed information with regards to business credit lines and loans.
  6. Business Credit Card. Do you really need one? Most likely. Business credit cards, used wisely, can help you bridge those times when receivables are slow and you still need to make operational purchases.
  7. Accounting Procedures. Setting up proper accounting and bookkeeping systems and procedures from day One, will save you time and headaches in the future. Liscombe & Parrella can advise you on the best systems, software packages and can train you and your new employees on how to use these tools correctly and efficiently.
  8. Taxes. Don’t wait until March when your tax filing is due! Our tax planning consultation will set you up so there will be no surprises come tax season.
For additional non-accounting related start up questions, we can point you in the right direction and refer you to our circle of trusted specialists. You will probably need help with the following:
  1. Your Business Name
  2. Protecting Your Company’s Name
  3. Registered Agent
  4. Business Licensing Requirements
  5. Liability Insurance
  6. Internal Operational Business Documents
  7. Business Promotion
  8. Business Collateral
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